Zenith Stromberg Automatic Choke Carburetors are standard equipment on various British Leyland (BL) cars. In the case of the USA specification MGB, this carburetor was original equipment on 1975 to 1980 MGBs. The Zenith Stromberg carburetor is not at all popular in the MG world. Many have been replaced by switching back to dual SU Carburetors, standard on earlier MGBs and always standard in the UK for all years. Other change out options are a downdraft weber carburetor or even a single HIF44 SU Carburetor.
My Experience #
In my experience the Zenith Stromberg CD 175 with automatic choke has been very reliable. They do need to be working correctly and the choke calibrated. My personal view is that most issues were due to the single piece intake and exhaust manifold. There are Technical Service Bulletins that document updates and changes needed to the original setup of the MGB. Refer to the knowledge base Technical Service Bulletin category of information or use the search on the knowledge base.
This document is a scan of S1030. This is a Technical Guide for Support Technicians at BL dealers. They do not replace information in the relevant service and workshop manuals but is a supplement.
Additional Information #
You will also find several documents on the Zenith Stromberg and the Automatic Water Choke in the Carburetor section of the knowledge base. Some specifically go into detail about the automatic choke. If the water choke must be properly adjusted. If not, the car may not start well or it will potentially run very rich. The necessary calibration process is described in detail in other articles.
S1030 Zenith Stromberg Automatic Choke Carburetors #
Other Materials #
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