Introduction #
Tops – Folding The Soft Top. There is a correct way to fold the soft top on the later model MGBs. These are fitted with the black folding top (hood).
Rationale & Process #
Why? Because if you don’t do this correctly you may damage the top and specifically the clear plastic windows. This is standard on the 1971 to 1980 MGBs and is sometimes known as the “Micheletti” top. It’s actually part of the Owner’s Manual. This extract also describes the unzippable rear window. This was standard from 1977 onwards. However, unzippable window tops work on the earlier cars that have the same folding black frame (1971 onwards). Not only is this in the owners manual, there was even a Technical Service Bulletin (TSB) issued about it. See TSB 71-C-2 on this page.
As good as the written instructions are, it is sometimes just easier to see. John Twist demonstrates the process in one of his many videos.
So there you have it, and you’re knowledgeable on folding the soft top. Use this to ensure your top lasts for many years without avoidable damage.
John Twist of University Motors Ltd. is a great resource and supporter of the MG community. His website has a great deal of information available for free. Also, John has created hundreds of videos shared on the University Motors channel on YouTube. some of which are embedded here. Given all the contributions John makes, please consider using the donate button on his website home page if this information has helped you. Also you can use the button provided here.
John Twist Donations via PayPal
Other Materials #
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