Tigger, as the car is named, is a 1977 very original MGB Roadster that I took over as guardian of in August 2004. At the time Tigger only had 29,113 miles on the clock. As I would later discover, the car was in very original condition. It had not been subjected to updates/changes that many owners make. Additionally, it had not been “butchered” by people trying to work on it without knowing what they were doing. I received a huge collection of receipts and other records which I have organized into a historical binder. This binder has been maintained with my own records.
It’s very likely Tigger will be my forever MGB. I cannot imagine life without it. In June 2022 Tigger turned the speedometer over having now done more than 100,000 miles.

Journal of History, Originality and Maintenance Projects
In addition to the usual tracking of maintenance projects I’ve written about originality and Concours judging. My Concours experience relates to that operated by the North American MGB Register. Unfortunately the Concours judging at the annual conventions ceased after the Louisville MG 2016 All register Convention in Louisville KY.
I have made a new page with a filtered list of posts and articles about Tigger on this separate page.